While I definitely have a long way to go, I feel like I had some amazing experiences and learned so many things on my path to become a marine biologist! Here is my journey so far:

I grew up in Western Washington on the Puget Sound. Some of my favorite memories growing up were of playing on the beaches and exploring tidepools. Some time in elementary school, I fell in love with sea turtles. My love for sea turtles grew exponentially more while on a trip to Mexico. My family and I participated in an ecotourism excursion at a sea turtle sanctuary where we learned about local conservation efforts through relocation and then released hatchlings into the ocean. This was one of the most amazing and impactful experiences I have ever had. When I returned home from my trip, I watched documentary after documentary and read book after book about the ocean. From that point on, my goal was to become a marine biologist so I could one day save the sea turtles!
High School
Before high school my family moved away from the Sound to a farm in Eastern Washington. This definitely made my goal of becoming a marine biologist a lot harder, but I really loved Eastern Washington and my time there. While in high school, I did get the opportunity to become scuba certified which has become one of my favorite hobbies!

Currently, I am a senior at Brigham Young University-Hawaii. I decided on BYUH because of its location, the North Shore of Oahu and not in Honolulu, and because of its international student body. I have really enjoyed my time at BYUH. I love the small class sizes, the amazing people, and all the networking opportunities the school provides. While a student, I was able to participate in a mentored research class where I got to work on a coral restoration project. This project, and being able to work hands on with coral, has sparked a new interest and love for corals.
While in Hawaii, I have volunteered with many amazing organizations on the island. I am currently living my childhood dream by volunteering with Malama i na Honu and the Oahu Sea Turtle Nesting Team educating about Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles, protecting basking turtles, and surveying several beaches for nests. I also volunteer with the Waikiki Aquarium where I educate visitors about the animals in the aquarium and Hawaiian reefs. These volunteering opportunities have been the greatest learning experiences and networking opportunities I have had.
What’s Next?
This summer I am moving to Florida to intern with Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in their coral gene bank. I’m super excited to learn about land-based coral restoration efforts. I am also working towards getting my advanced scuba certification and hope to one day become a divemaster.
This fall, I will start applying to graduate schools. I’m not sure where I want to go yet but am excited about the possibilities!